Thursday 25 October 2012



The Ogre is a very dangous creatures there bad atatued is very handy in a fight and they don't need many to bring down a city. Just one could destroy a whole town but the thing about Ogres is that they don't go and destroy towns for fun, well they do but they also do it for the prise of food Ogres are the most hungry of all fantasy creatures they're large apertite can leave the largest of farms empty. This can be an advantage in some ways because you can easly bribe an Ogre in to doing your biding for the right amount ot food and gold.

Orges are known for there ugly face and brute strength. but there have been many storys where Ogres live at peace with a family or town. But most the time they are killing and eating.

The average highet of a Ogre is around 8 feet tall and they can pick up around 20 tones, so if you do run in to an Ogre run for you life.

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